For those of you who have no idea what i am talking about, imagine the electric daisy carnival but 3 days long NONSTOP music, cost is almost nothing, and we dont have to deal with retards, douche bags, or cops. We are called the Moon Tribe! The MT Dj's play some of the best music i have heard in my entire life, music that even after listening to the same song 20x's you still hear new stuff every time. these people are a very tight nit family that really watch out for each other. These are very special invite only GATHERINGS, and i feel very honored to be asked to attend their gatherings..
Now there isn't alot more i can say about them for now i'll just leave that to my videos! UH-OH thats right boys and gals i said it!! we now will start uploading videos.. HOT DOG!!!
Ok so this MoonTribe was the 17yr. anniv. of MT being around, and this was DEF. the largest in rcent history, we had near 1500 people from all over attend. I finally met the council members, and offically was accepted into MoonTribe!.. yays for me..
And during this FMG=full moon gathering/ moontribe *SHH! i was told not to be soooo over the top with addressing MT by name, so i need to try and reffer to it as the FMG* but during this one we also had a full Eclipse. Lemme tell you the energies and the vibe DURING the full moon full eclipse was intense. a friend did some energy play with me... WOW..
So now to the video's and pics.. enjoy everyone, and stay tuned for more.. Summer's here BABY!! and we are in full swing.
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