Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mardi Gras 2010 SD

Ok, so this was fun, fucked, interesting, arousing, and just a F-ing blast!
First off an old friend from my FL. days is in town Chase Johnsey a ballet dancer for Trocks a russian drag ballet troupe. so I took him and another dancer to the Hillcrest Mardi Gras block party with me. *side note i parked at the whole foods, and they close their gates when they close, but i did not know that at the time, plus they tow.
So we go to the party...
i run into a fellow pup friend and he was complaining the he had nothing costume-y to wear, i offer him a wrestling singlet *and i was feeling like i needed somethign more too, so we ran back to my place and i let him borrow the singlet, and i quickly threw on my crotchless suit on under my pants. * big hit lemme tell you, i love wearing rubber to parties people LOVE it... i get petted soooo much.

so we get back, i start tossing drinks and chase talk for awhile, he gets drunk and leaves with the rest of his dance troupe ** i guess he was really wasted, lol.

I on the other hand was just getting started, I was up on one of the boxes in the dance tent 3-4 times.. i forget i was a bit drunk, lol. I took so many pics with people and several of the drag performers. some daddy started hitting on me and was buying me drinks for a bit. then at around 11 the party stopped and I went to go to my car.. thats when i found out the gate was locked!!  yeah fun thought, fuck i'm drunk and my car may be towed.. lol either way i cant drive home lol!!. so i hopped the like 12 foot tall electric gate, run up the hill to find........ WHEW!! she's there in the middle of the parking lot all alone and cover'd in dew like a sleeping baby waiting for me. SWEET, lets roll to Rich's since i cant do anything else, right?!

Rich's was PACKED but FREE, and free's always good. and guess who i see again, drink daddy **yay**  so yeah i am very good at this point. and here's the odd thing, I run into ANOTHER  acquaintance from Florida, Jon.. *i have MAJOR issues with this kid lemme tell you, wow bad news. The first time i met him in FL. i have two redbull vodka's next thing i know i'm waking up at his house, and i know the feeling of silicone lube on my ass!! then a year later one of his friends tells me john likes to slip people roofies.... * i almost ended up in jail that day...
funny thing is he made himself scarce REALLY fast we he saw me.. someone standing next to me even said " wow, that guy really changed fast when you came out." me- " yeah, you'd think he was scared of me for some reason huh?" LOL gotta love how small the world becomes sometimes.
 then my friend who i let borrow the singlet asks if i wanna hit an aftter party at some dudes house. and like a lemming i agree.
ok, lemme stop for a sec here and make a note... i REALLY  REALLY hate tweakerz ok..and i REALLY hate RICH, arrogant, tweakerz.. that think that since they have money that i'm gonna faun over them.. **rolls eyes**  so I make the best of a quickly declining good time...finally we leave, and i'm dropped off at whole foods again where i again hop the ridicilously tall gate and stay the remaining 3 hours in my car, listening to cd's and the radio with the heater on, a couple snacks and some dooby snacks to past the time 'til 7:30 when both me and my lil red sled were finally released from our rooftop jail. and while up there it kinda made me feel like even the though the world is so small, theres so much more i need to see and do.

so yeah all in all it was a good but awkward night!


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